Friday, 3 February 2012

Flood photo essay

We went for a little looksie this morning, which was just after the expected Flood Peak.
Don't mind the skewiff horizon, I was taking them out of the car window.
We came across a few of these guys in a narrow bit of dry land near the road.

 We didn't push them too hard.

Being pretty shy creatures they take off at the first sign of any human.

It got too narrow and they hopped into the edge of the water.
There was a little fellow at the back.

He struggled a bit with the hopping, so.....


 Quite a way in the flood water.
It would have been pretty hard work.

 Especially where the culvet runs into the flow.

There must have been a bit of a high bit.

Then deep again.

Finally he got his feet in solid ground.

And hopped out.

And met up with his family again.

Then took off again towards the flood water.
These bully boys were not phased by any of the goings on.
just a bit bunched up, but had plenty of space to get around.

And off they went!!

To be followed by the ducks.

These big boys got themselves up on the disused railway line.
They were pretty happy with plenty of feed to munch on.

And the view out the front of our house looking towards town.

Highest flood levels since 1955.

And this afternoon, this, which deserves a post all of its own.
Can you tell what it is? It is amazing!


  1. I love this post! I know kangaroos aren't farmers friends but gee they look magnificent even hopping through water - and the 'big boys' are handsome beasts - you really should enter a photo competition! SP

    1. We felt really sorry for the roos, they were pretty cold but happy enough, I've only ever seen them swim like that once many, many years ago. They seem so akward, but manage to keep their heads above the water. They're not our bulls, but from the shorthorn stud next door.They are older ones on the railway line and are just so calm. I take a huuuuuge number of photos to get a few good ones! Thank goodness for digital!


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