Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Anzac Day

Anzac Day is pretty special in this family.
My Father in law is a returned service man who is 89 years old next month.
My children have rarely known an Anzac Day where they haven't been involved in some way.
One year we were lucky enough to have their RAAF aunty come for the march.
The little bloke walked with her that year.

Our sons have always marched with either their school or the Scouts.
Our Daughter was a Girl Guide and in this town they have always provided the Anzac Biccie morning tea after the march and ceremony. This year she marched with her school.
There was a huuge roll up for the children in the march and I believe this is because it wasn't in school holidays. Schools had services on Tuesday which reminded the students and encouraged their involvement.

Pa rode in an old car with some other Returned servicemen.

Our little bloke had the special honour of laying the wreath for the scouts.

I remember a few years ago there was a great concern that Anzac Day would diminish as the years wore on and there were fewer diggers to participate.
I see no signs of this.

Until I met my husband I had no real reason to participate as we did not have any family medals to march with. It was a great extra day off for me. 
My mother and I used to watch most of it on the Television.
It was also a long trip into the centre of Sydney to watch the diggers go by.
It is a lot easier in a small town.
I am so pleased to see all the crowds come out to support the Anzac ceremony and honouring those who have served.


  1. If anything, I think support for Anzac Day is increasing isn't it. It's lovely to see the kids so immersed in the spirit and spending time really thinking about those who went before us. My kids have a grandad who is a Vietnam vet, and great grandfather who spent considerable time in Changi, so we like to talk to them about the sacrifices, and the pride and how fortunate we are. Lest we forget.

    Congratulations to your kids on their wonderful whipcracking efforts. Don't underestimate your role as chief ironer, packer, chauffeur. Your job may well be the most impotant.

  2. I am embarrassed to say that I had not heard of Anzac day until I read your post and another one by Faux Fuchsia. thank you for writing about this special day. It's great that your children are so involved - they will help keep Anzac alive and well.

    On another note, I realized that your blog is not coming up on my reader and I am missing posts. It's happening with a couple other blogs I read as well...very weird. And here I thought you had taken a blogging break. I will have to make more of an effort to stop by and see what's up in Mummaducka's world.
    xo, A

    1. Hi Adrienne, I haven't been posting as much either as my Internet modem has been on the blink and I have been sharing my husbands, which seems to always be running out of allocation. Anzac day is pretty special to Australians and New Zealanders, these days it is so much more than what it started out as. We now recognize all servicemen in our marches and also have many servicemen from allied countries as well. We have a speaker this year who was from another country.


Go on....speak up!

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