Monday, 12 December 2011

More water, seriously!

Each day there is a bit of a top up to the floodwaters around here
There are constant stormy clouds.
Today there was a big scare after some heavy rain upstream last night, and lots of people went home early as some roads closed at midday.

 And rainbows delivering pots of gold to my house
or not!

We thought there would be another huge downfall this afternoon.

The wind had really picked up.

and those clouds just wanted to burst

But then the sun came back.

These photos were taken further down our closed road.

And this one is at the start of the road.
So I am not allowed to go to town.
The Police have started booking people who drive around these signs.
This sign changed this morning, it had read that it was closed further along, but now the whole thing is closed.

There is still a bit of water glinting across the road from our house.

And a lot more moving down into that spot.
It's all good for the garden. rainwater has nitrogen which the bore water doesn't.

And I had put out seven 20 Kg bags of fertilizer on the lawn as this all started.
The lawn is growing about an inch a day.

A friend had this bogging happen to her the other day at the school's award ceremony.
She was hurrying into the carpark.
My hubby piggy backed her tiny bod across the mud so that her suede shoes wouldn't get ruined.
She has lots of 11 kids!
Those men are not all her's, her hubby was busy elsewhere.
They like Chivalry around here.
After the ceremony a bit of brut pushing got the beast bus out.

We were thrilled that Itty Bitty got the student award.
And while we were at home after the roads closed this morning, after a bit of an upset, he and I baked this banana bread.
Thank you A Beach Cottage for the recipe!

Waaay too good!
It won't last long.
I shouldn't like this flood bound business.
And can't wait for holidays next week!

PS. all these photos were taken on my new phone,
I'm so impressed!
And Iphone's Siri, I looove it!


  1. We are wet here (but not that wet). I hope it all settles down soon. I am also glad I am not the only one who gets out with the fertilizer when rain is due. It's an ill wind.

  2. Beautiful photos. And with an iphone? Wow. Storms have been brewing here daily too, but nothing drastic, just beautiful much-needed downpours. We're also now mowing twice a week, kids still can't reach the pedals on our ancient heavy-headed ride-on! Maybe next year.


Go on....speak up!

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