Friday, 16 December 2011

Parties and puppies

Yay it's the end of the school year!
We have a staff luncheon to farewell colleagues and celebrate.
I haven't joined in for a few years now.
But this year I'm very much in the mood and it's going to be held in my Library, so I can't hide.

 Sometimes it can be very emotional.
In small communities the teaching staff really band together.
And we get really sad when some leave us.

I've put together some Pavlovas.
Lunch will be catered, but there wasn't any desserts.
I put 2 in the oven before I went out last night,
And another 2 in when I got home.
Plus there will be some sticky date puddings.

 I think that will cover it for about 60 people.
And in other destructive news.
Our pup has taken to chewing.
After a few months of nothing, She's making up for lost time.

I give you photographic evidence no.2
 Very sad.
But you'd have thought they would have learned to put the bikes in the rack after the first one was destroyed!
Luckily we were able to source some new seats last night at our fab bike shop.
Hmmnn I wonder what will be next!


  1. Oh dear. We have a new pup coming in Jan - I fear for my shoes.

    Your pavs look fantastic.

  2. The pavs look delicious!! You have me hankering for some now!! Love the pic of the bike seat in pieces..all you can do is laugh about it!!


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