Last weekend my hubby said that he had seen Black swans in the swamp reserve right next to our place. After all this rain they are nesting.
Click on the photos for a larger view and to zoom in.
So off we went, daughter and I, cameras in hand.
Looking for Black swans.
I've never seen one in the wild!
we thought that we were only going to find some wood ducks.
Then I extended out my 70-300mm lens and scanned around.
Can you see them?
Daughter says that I must have snuck binoculars in my bag.
But I had them in my sights.
All sorts of people stopped on the road to see if we were ok.
We went on foot.
Daughter was much more game than I!!
I stood at the water's edge.
She got right in it.
going from stump to stump.
We followed them for about 100m.
We realised that husband was on our place on the other side of the trees.
This started moving the cattle wh were in the reserve and all sorts of other wildlife.
Pushing them towards where the swans were.
You can see some cattle and Kangaroos in the background here.
About 3000 Roos hopped by in front of us- it was unbelievable!
They just sat there spooking the swans.
Then they walked out of the water and 3 of them decided to fly away.
I hope they went back for the other poor guy.
I'm going back this afternoon to see if they came back.
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