Tuesday, 23 August 2011


On Sunday, we had some visitors over. After a cuppa and cake we went outside and did a bit of cracking while their wee ones jumped on the trampoline. One of my cairns is terrified of the cracking sounds and came inside. She usually runs up and hides under a bed.
We stayed outside after they had left for a little while gardening, when I returned inside this is what I found.

I should have put a dome over it.
Cheeky little begger. It was a really nice pear and yogurt cake.
Her tummy was soooooooo full she could barely move.
Jaller you are to stay off the tables!
Here's what it looked like going into the oven.

with its mate the cherry cake

Which I enjoyed immensely with my favorite cup of coffee for breakfast.

That is my absolute favorite cup to drink from in the morning, it has just the right volume and has the right shape at the spot you drink from.
This morning I awoke to the sound of screeching.
The screeches were coming from cockatoos who had done this.

My lovely new growth on my lemon trees had been chomped off and spat out.
I will be releasing the hounds on them earlier tomorrow. AND finding that big fake hawk that is laying about and hanging it from a tree to scare them away. It kept the peacock we used to have from roosting on the Volvo.

Another one, on another bed, mandarin this time.
They must have sat looking at each other munching and chopping.
I woudn't mind so much if they actually ate the stuff they bite off but they are just soooooooo destructive.

 Lucky for them they didn't touch these new trees, I went and checked to be sure. When we first moved in we planted Ficus helii trees all along the front near the road and we woke up one morning to find just the trunks left, they looked like sticks poking up from ground.
As I was out there surveying the damage, it screamed at me like a lunatic from up high.

 Another one of these has appeared, so I must be doing something right.

God help those cockies if they come back, I'll be calling in the local clay target shooting club.


  1. yes as you can all see my mother is very picky about her mugs hmmmnnn well..... in the picture of the mug and the cake it looks like the mug is falling over. :)

  2. yes! those 2 mugs I wrapped carefully and transported packed in my boots in my suitcase back from the USA nearly 3 years ago, they are very special and no one is allowed to remove them from this house again!!!


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