Monday 20 August 2012

Weekend wrap up

I had such a busy day yesterday.
This weekend our big boy had a visit home from Boarding school, essentially to get some help from his dad with an Agriculture assignment, but he was also due for a trip home.
He is 15 and almost as tall as me. One more cm!
And he has men's size 13 RM Williams boots!
He's getting a bit hard to catch and spank!
Not that I have had any need to do that recently!
But the thought is scary.


I finished the painting Olympics. Just.
We moved on to the sanding stage.

The little fella was in charge of the mouse sander and had the job of all the edges.
He gave up quickly though, as he is a bit ill with a head cold.

Dad worked on the big sander.
But I got this one and he moved on to the mouse when it was free.

We got all the scratches out and really smooth working down in grit.

Now we are ready to stain and finish it off.


Then I went for a prowl around.
I had noticed that quite a few trees were shooting, or on the cusp of it.

The banksia rose has had some flowers for a couple of weeks,
normally they are here in September.

Plenty of new growth and some flowers on these new plants.

And I have been really, really naughty!
I have been too busy painting.
I haven't pruned my roses yet.
And they are shooting.
And having the very life sucked right out of them.

The aphids are absolutely thick.
Number one job this week is to prune them!
 Then treat with bug killer.
Then fertilize.

Gulp! There is over 100 of them.
I usesd to get hubby to do them with a chainsaw.
It worked well!
I might go and buy my own wee one.


On Saturday night we went to a friend's house.
They had organised a bit of a campoven feed.

Now all in the family are plotting for the building of a fire pit.
Well I put my 2 bob's worth in and said I want crazy paving and the fire pit built on top so that it can be dismantled in summer.
You use the cement from underneath old water tanks.
I have the perfect one in mind.
Now to find a spot in the garden.

Have a great week!
I'll be pruning after work each day!
xx, j


  1. tell me about the banksia rose, I've long wondered if its more low maintenance than normal roses! (and get ye an electric chainsaw from bunnings, been told they are the bees knees!)

    and fire pit sounds interesting, me I've been thinking about crazy paving with siltstone under the mango trees (grass is always scrappy there) but considering the rest of the garden is long overdue for some TLC any fancy smancy labour intensive heavy lifting non essential sort of stuff!

    1. Oooh yes they are so easy. I have a huge hedge of them in white. I used to have big yellow bushes on each of the corners of the verandas but they got so large they pulled down some of the veranda in wind storms. I will post about my big huge hedge when it is in full bloom. It is fantastically low maintenance and hardy. Surviivng the drought.

  2. Replies
    1. Ah I know, I am going to go really fast and not think about shaping them at all. I just ducked home for lunch and sized them up!

  3. You have been busy.
    Good luck with all those roses.


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