On Saturday we took the poddy calf to the cow and calf paddock.
We thought that the steers may have given him a bit of a hard time if he had gone in the oats paddock with them.
So we loaded him into the covered trailer, which we had used for camping just a few weeks earlier.
With some of his lucerne hay.
We got him off the trailer and loosened his collar in case he got away from us.
Then led him to the most important bit ~the water trough!
And removed the collar.
And he had a big, Big drink.
Then he had a bit of a look around.
Turned and ran!
not an inkling of wanting to hang with us!
and started chomping.
And wouldn't let Itty Bitty near him.
After 4 bags of milk and about 5 bags of calf rearer pellets and same of lucerne hay,
he is paddock trained!
The next day we went and checked on him again.
Just to be sure he wasn't stranded somewhere , or stuck in the dam.
Itty Bitty spotted him first in the middle of the poisoned box thorns!
which is on the other side of the dam.
He's buddied up with some other calves.
He started his usual screaming at us.
And we drove away!
Harsh! I know!
He's made some new friends,
with the possibility of sneaking some sucks of milk from some big udders every now and then!!