Sunday, 9 October 2011

Kids having fun at Deni ute muster

After the kids had cracked in the NSW titles at Deni, we went for a wander in sideshow alley, this is what we saw.....

-People running and diving in the mud.

He was more than happy to pose with the kids. Itty Bitty and one of the big girls had fallen over already on the way in. Grots united.

These are my mud boots which I slopped around in for 3 days.

I'm not sure who was next to me

I think these were mr MDKs feet

Itty bitty went in with his dad, they were up to the ankles

Miss mdk got really stuck.

Gotta love all the grots fascinated with the dodgem cars.

About to go.

They looove bashing into each other. I think the 2 brothers just aim for each other.

I'm not sure about the safety of that electricity cable laying in the wet across a walkway!

The girls had their fun too.

Thank god they weren't doing this in the mud.
He COULD NOT get up or out, and no one would help him, not even his mates, they were laughing tooo hard.
Thank goodness I am used to mud and poop or I don't know how I would have reacted.
Lucky I have a mini laundromat at home and the best washers in the world to clean away all the stains!!
Thank you LG steam washer dryer!!!!!

There was a concert on each night, I think while we were up there it was guy Sebastian, and after him was icehouse, we didn't hang around for that one.

This is what itty bitty wore in the car to Melbourne. He looked a sight when he hopped out in the middle of Melbourne wearing a Jackie Howe singlet, tracky daks and holding a big long bullock whip.

As we left and went in the opposite direction to Deni, we passed all the utes going into town to leave or as we heard later, go through the car wash!

And once again the Conargo pub had plenty of patrons!

Posted from my iPad

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